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mwb fairtrade Wertpapierhandelsbank AG

  • Country Germany

Company profile

Is there even such a thing nowadays as down-to-earth stock exchange experts? Those whose word is their bond, who never promise more than they can actually deliver? We think so. That’s why the word “fair” is part of our full name: mwb fairtrade Wertpapierhandelsbank. Because we believe that integrity and reliability should be seen as fundamental elements of the financial markets.

We invite you to learn more about our values. And the people that make us who we are. Perhaps you would like to join us? Visit our “Careers” page for current employment opportunities.

We are a member of the Federal Association of Securities Trading Firms (Bundesverband der Wertpapierfirmen an den deutschen Börsen e.V.).


Kai Jordan
Kai Jordan MoB
Kai Jordan
Kai Jordan MoB

Responsible for Corporates & Markets and Securities Trading

Until 1998 Jordan was deputy head of equity trading at Commerzbank Frankfurt and later departmental director Equity Capital Markets. Then he switched to the investment firm sector at a Frankfurt financial services provider and accompanied the development to a successful and diversified securities trading bank. In 2007 he was appointed to the board there. Jordan has been responsible for Corporates & Markets at mwb since August 2016.

Carsten Bokelmann
Carsten Bokelmann MoB
Carsten Bokelmann
Carsten Bokelmann MoB

Responsible for Investor Relations, Communications, Finance, Accounting and Securities Settlement, HR, Organisation and IT

After completing his studies in business administration, the trained banker began his professional career at Mummert + Partner Unternehmensberatung AG. Carsten Bokelmann then moved to Steubing AG, where he took over the management of the internal audit department and was responsible for the implementation of regulatory issues. There he was appointed General Manager in July 2012 and was appointed to the Board in April 2015.

IR contact

Investor Relations

Investor Relations

mwb fairtrade Wertpapierhandelsbank AG

Rottenbucher Straße 28

82166 Gräfelfing

Telefon: +49 89 85852-305

EMail: investor-relations(at)mwbfairtrade(dot)com