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Generali Deutschland AG

  • ISIN DE0008400029
  • Country Deutschland

Company profile

Generali Deutschland Holding AG is the management holding company of one of the biggest primary insurance groups in Germany.

It is the parent of the German entities of Assicurazioni Generali which has activities worldwide. Generali Deutschland is the engine for the continuous development of the German business units and has the function of a brace for its Group companies.

Generali Deutschland controls the Group and ensures the concentration of expertise and the realization of economies of scale, such as in IT, asset management, issues of valued-based controlling and the implementation of major projects.

Companies of renown operate under the parent Generali Deutschland, such as AachenMünchener, Volksfürsorge, Generali, CosmosDirekt, Central Krankenversicherung, Advocard Rechtsschutzversicherung, Deutsche Bausparkasse Badenia and Dialog. These companies offer the full range of financial services. Up-to-date products satisfying customer requirements, qualified advice coupled with financial strength and security: from life, health, property/casualty and legal expenses insurance over tailor-made building finance to attractive fund and bank products and further services, such as asset management for third parties and real-estate broking.